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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
ISBN # : N/A
Publisher: Sphere
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As much power as "For the Good of the Cause" packs, it is amazing that this book is not better known. It many ways, it is better than his best known work. Even stepping away from the commentary on the corruption of the Soviet government, the book makes an overall statement on the corruption of power and bureaucracy.

Pride in the technical school runs high as they are nearing completion of the new building on campus. The sense of accomplishment is furthered by the fact that the students built the new building with their own hands. Fyodor, the man in charge of the school, becomes suspicious when the school is not immediately able to occupy the building. Upon investigation, he discovers that a new research institute is to occupy the building. When he asks why, he is told that it is for the good of the cause.

As this novella draws to an end, readers are left to ponder whether Fyodor's actions at the end of the story were the right course. Though it was a drastic path, it would seems few options were available. "For the Good of the Cause" is certain to create thoughts in the minds of readers. It lead to the argement of whether "my country right or wrong" can ever be truly justified.

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