This treasury contains the full text of 20 books:
1. Mr. Tickle in a Tangle
2. Little Miss Sunshine Keeps Her Smile
3. Mr. Happy Finds a Hobby
4. Little Miss Trouble Moving House
5. Mr. Silly Gets the Giggles
6. Little Miss Scatterbrain Sets Off for the Sun
7. Mr. Bump Loses His Memory
8. Little Miss Bossy and the Magic Word
9. Mr. Funny Upsets Mr. Fussy
10. Little Miss Neat and the Last Leaf
11. Mr. Greedy is Helpfully Heavy
12. Little Miss Naughty Worries Mr. Worry
13. Mr. Strong and the Flood
14. Little miss Dotty Has a Dotty Day Out
15. Mr. Topsy-Turvy, The Wrong Way Round
16. Little Miss Helpful and the Green House
17. Mr. Small, A Big Day Out
18. Little Miss Splendid and the House With a View
19. Mr. Mischief, A Spot of Trouble
20. Little Miss Tiny, Just the Right Size